Youth Development Fund
The Youth Development Fund
The Spinnaker Youth Development Fund is an initiative to encourage Youth sailing at Spinnaker. Funds are given each year by members of the Club and the Club itself matches the funds donated. The sums are not large and so we hope it seeds enthusiasm for the future
The concept of the fund is to allow Spinnaker Youth sailors to develop their skills and sailing experience in a way that might not otherwise be affordable. Potential uses of the fund could be:
* Extra specialist coaching for a sailor or sailors
* Assistance with entry fees for an event
* Assisting a team to attend major events such as the Eric Twiname Junior and Youth Team Racing Championships
* Supporting the transport of equipment to events such as the British Youth Sailing Regional junior Championships or Parkstone Youth Week
But there are no prescribed requirements apart from developing sailing skills in a way that would otherwise not be affordable.
Grants are agreed by the Sailing Committee and applications can be taken by the Chief Instructor James Oborne or any member of the Sailing Committee.
If you would like to support the Youth Development Fund, there is an opportunity to donate on renewing your membership or please speak to the office team who will be very happy to arrange other donations.
Support Provided in 2023
In 2023 the Youth Development Fund supported 20 young sailors at various times. The hire of a Luton Van was arranged and paid for by the Youth Development Fund on two occasions, one to transport boats to the Regional Junior Championships at Oxford Sailing Club, and once to transport boats to Parkstone Yacht Club for their Youth Week. On these occasions the van was driven by Chief Instructor James Oborne, with the parents of sailors providing support with loading and unloading at both ends of the journeys. In addition to this the Main Committee authorised the use of one of the Club's ribs at Parkstone Youth Week, supporting sailors from multiple clubs as they participated alongside 300 other young sailors.
The fund has also provided support to families to allow keen sailors to access Class Association coaching opportunities that otherwise may not have been financially possible.
Last updated 09:42 on 20 December 2023