Spinnaker Sailing Club Weekly News - 10/12/24

Published 09:12 on 10 Dec 2024
Our 2024 AGM
Thankyou to everyone who braved the weather on Sunday to attend our Annual General Meeting. It was great to see so many people in person, equally thank you to those members who "proxied" their votes in advance to have their voice hear, and help us reach the all important quorum! A number of key decisions were made at the AGM, and the full minutes will be published soon, but in the meantime the things we wanted to make everyone aware of quickly were:
Committee Roles:
After many years in various Flag Officer roles (including two stints as Commodore) Hywel Morris has stepped back from being Vice Commodore, but remains on the Main Committee.
Tom Clay has stepped up to become the Vice Commodore, leaving the Sailing Committee after several years leading as the Rear Commodore Sailing, Tom remains on the Main Committee
Robert Marshall after several years on the Sailing Committee has become the Rear Commodore Sailing, joining the Main Committee
Jim Clarke informed the Main Committee earlier this month of his intention to step down as Treasurer. Jim is staying on short term whilst the search begins for his replacement.
*Please note the email addresses for the Committee Members who are changing role will be getting changed towards the end of this week, we apologise in advance for any delay in replying. The email addresses for the staff team in the office will not be changing.*
As well as the role of Treasurer we are keen to recruit more members for both our Main and Sailing Committees. Looking ahead we are aiming for our Committees to meet every other month on a Monday evening, so the time commitment is not too great. For the role of Treasurer we our Accounts Administrator Candace who does the large majority of the day-to-day financial work, making the role much less of a burden than it is at some other clubs. If you are interested in supporting the Club as a potential committee member please speak to either Phil (commodore@spinnakerclub.co.uk), James (training@spinnakerclub.co.uk), Robert (rcs@spinnakerclub.co.uk) or Jim (treasurer@spinnakerclub.co.uk).
Membership Rates:
An increase of 5% was agreed for 2025, an early bird renewal discount is in effect until 31st January 2025. An email about renewals will be sent separately today to all members who have their membership expiring on 31st December 2024.
Social Sailing
There are two more Social Sailing sessions of 2024! During both of these we will be running some relaxed informal racing, so come on down and join in! Caroline and Ian had a great time in their Aeros last week as Abi ran some starts with a short triangular course.
Windy Weather
Fortunately Storm Darragh brought no real damage or disruption to Spinnaker Sailing Club (apart from the loss of Sunday's racing). It looks like a windy winter is on the way so we continue to ask boats are kept tied down when not in use.
RNLI Pennant
Following the cancellation of racing on Sunday, we have rescheduled the RNLI Pennant and will attempt to run it this Sunday with our final 2 Winter Series Races. The scores from both races will be used to determine the winner of the RNLI Pennant. As this year is the 200th anniversary of the RNLI we are asking sailors to make a donation to the RNLI if they are taking part. We will collect donations via our website (a link will be emailed out on Friday) and in cash on the day.
2025 Programme and Booking
Our 2025 Programme is now on our website. You can see all our planned racing, training courses and social events for the whole year! Training courses up until 31st March 2025 can be booked now, and courses starting on 1st April 2025 or after will open for booking on 1st January. Some of the highlights of the programme for January are:
1st - New Year's Day Race starting at 12.00
11th - IOCA and ITCA Open Coaching
12th - 1 Day Icicle Series supported by Salisbury Sea Cadets
18th/19th - RYA Powerboat Level 2 Course
19th - RYA First Aid Course
25th/26th - RYA Safetyboat Course
29th - Rules Talk - Learn about the changes to the Racing Rules of Sailing
Last updated 15:50 on 12 January 2025